Wednesday 3rd March 2010
“How many of our visions, dreams and goals are working out? In January did you decide to get really serious about your future for the upcoming year and where you wanted to be by the end of December 2010? Well, did you get serious, or, was it just another New Year’s resolution?”
Well, you either did or you did not, it’s now water under the bridge, you have to focus on tomorrow. You have to disregard yesterday and perhaps even last year and start to get very serious about how you are going to develop your business over the rest of the coming year. You should also remember your family and your staff will be relying on you to make the correct decisions. What will be different about you in the way you will be handling your business? What solid and well thought through plan-of-action will you be deciding to embark on and taking up in the upcoming year that will lead you to the successes that you are attempting to reach?
You must start to question all your ideas and ask yourself. “Am I really on top of my present situation or have I a tremendous amount of work to be done with a long way to go?” Now this is certainly the time that you need to give your business your full attention and totally focus on the needs of the business, also giving full attention to your staff and empowering them through a culture of praise and encouragement. After all, they will be helping you, so they will deserve a thank you! Time has gone; there is nothing you can do about it. Yesterday does not matter; it has passed and gone, there is absolutely nothing that can be done about it. However, today and tomorrow are in front of you, so the only thing that will secure your future is for you to keep your full attention on the future, developing and creating it the way you want it shaped.
“Looking forward creates a very large peripheral view of where you are going, looking back means taking your eye of the ball, dwelling on the past will only block future visions and dreams”!
A thing that always concerns me is when business people as well as the press and media, start to talk about the economy and their perceptions regarding the conditions of it. Remember it is THEIR perception, NOT YOURS, yours is the one that count when you are running your own business. The present state of the economy does not determine what is going to happen to you; this is where it is all down to you visions and dreams, it is down to the decisions you make, the actions you take to move your business forward but most of all it is down to the commitment and the persistence you are prepared to make.
Unfortunately there are far too many business people who blame the economic downturn for the failings in their business; this is absolute nonsense! The buck stops here; in other words it stops with the person at the top only. The current economic conditions and any losses you and your business have suffered have been created by the past; they have absolutely nothing to do with the future!
I have always said to my clients and to my students: -
Whatever you have done in the past has gone, it is over! The opportunities you now have are all in front of you; you are the only person who can reach out and grasp them!
When you are deliberating about yourself or your business’s future, you need to totally disregard the past, whatever took place has gone and it means nothing. You need to pay full attention to your goals ahead; to the future, after all, it is all you have, it is everything you need. You should disregard all bad news and avoid all those negative people and focus totally on your actions. Totally focus your attention on your visions and dreams and where you are heading.
This is your time to decide with new resolve and then you need to reinforce your decisions with substantial actions to rebuild yourself and your company. This is the perfect time to get a step closer to your visions, dreams and goals and then to concentrate on putting together an action plan that will best take advantage of the current situation that will eventually ensure that you are first, not last! You are deciding on a strong, pro-active plan of action. By setting that plan down on paper, with a time frame, will mean that you are separating yourself and your company from the rest of the competition.
Comments would be most helpfull you can e-mail me at: - www.geoffrey@geoffreyprince. com
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